Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Traumatic Medical Exam

Today's required business was a visit to the Medical Clinic for Joey's medical clearance check. The exam included three different components, each at a different station or room but all within about 1200 sq ft.

We saved the full monty scene for last as we thought that may be the most traumatic if not the most "probing". As it turned out it didn't matter where we started as each encounter was just as upsetting as the others. First was the ENT exam. The light on the examiner's (not sure of anyone's credentials) forehead was pretty scary for the little guy. So not only did the examiner check the ears, nose and throat but he learned about Joey's lungs too!

Next was the non-invasive weigh in and length measurements. For some reason this too was unacceptable and Joey let us know this. Several people in our group were interested in the resulting weigh in. For the record a svelte 26 lbs, 32 inches.

Last, was the full body exam with measurement of head circumference and brief peeks into the privates. With Joey demonstrating his excellent lung capacity I was a bit surprised when the examiner suggested I shake this noisy rattle to try and distract him while she was listening to his chest. The entire ordeal was over in about an hour which is equivalent to one small container of Cheerios.

I'm happy to report that the taxi caravan to Pizza Hut was not necessary as they do deliver. The product is close enough for these pizza connoisseurs to consider again and confirmed by one couple from New Hampshire and a gentleman from Tennessee - although a bit light on the sauce. Haven't heard from the Texans yet. However they do not serve bread sticks so keep that in mind. My main concern was conveying the distribution of the pepperoni on a half pepp and half cheese pizza. The woman spoke pretty good English so she finally got it right. Guess I can thank Nixon and Kissinger for that delicious meal.

Tomorrow we expect the return of some paperwork related to Joey's passport and visa. Really no work for us so an optional trip to the Pearl Market is scheduled with an equally optional Cantonese luncheon planned. We think there may be a McDonalds in the vacinity.

That's it for now.
Joey and his rents.


Unknown said...

Just want to say keep up the great blog and pictures- I love to sign on daily to see what Joey and the 'rents are up to.
Can't wait to meet him in person.
Kelly & co.

Tom & Laura said...

Congratulations! We can't believe the long wait is finally over. Thanks for keeping us all in the loop on your adventures in China and for all of the pictures. Joey looks and sounds like such a sweetie--we can't wait to meet him. Sounds like you're eating well but you haven't yet mentioned the egg rolls and dim sum! We're thinking of you! Love, Laura & Tom

Unknown said...

Clearly the trip to the doctor is pretty much the same everywhere.
We heard kids screaming bloody murder at the UW clinics too...

Joey is adorable. We are thrilled for all three of you. Enjoy your adventure (both in China and as parents)!

Mk and Patrick